Thursday, March 29, 2012

How do I become a physicist

I had a teacher of astronomy, fifth-year student at KSU physics department was still. The difference in years was not so great not to have friendships outside of lessons. It should be noted, studies in astronomy, we had virtually no astronomy. None of them can not remember. However, it is the teacher told me to do astronomy in the Physics Department. Where I went immediately to both the department and at first opted for Radiophysics. It seemed to me that the prefix ' radio' will certainly bring me to the world of computers.

However, during his sophomore year, I almost stayed at the Department of Theoretical Physics. There I could catch more often than in the classroom. I became interested in student life, and the deputy dean of student affairs actually served as department head terfiza, as the real head has lived and taught in Poland. So after my move to a different branch of the equator seemed logical and was supported by the Dean, who was also a member of the Department of Theoretical Physics.

But before graduation, I could hardly appreciate the scientific world from the inside. Still, all this life, which with interest obmusolivaetsya in the series, ran parallel to the flow. The world of students and scholars the world contrive to live together and do not touch, and do it very organically.

Most of the students, which is already here to hide, come and go to school just for a little brown and five years, which would later be called the best years of my life. It was only 3-4% will choose as a continuation of the graduate school, and almost a third of them will become scientists.

I'll try to explain what modern physics on the fingers. If most of the sciences - a washing of the bones of something that has been done before, then physics is based on the findings of fact which is not. Sometimes what is not, in principle, but that explains well the actual processes. What's that thing - modeling. The real world can not be described by the equation, and the model was originally based on the equations. The more picks the scientist with his model, the more he introduces any amendments and supplements to it, bringing it manages to come close to describing the real process. Nafig need? . And because everyone there seems real hrenki aircraft can only be done by the rules, how they are obtained more accurately, the less likely that all else will fall apart at the start.

That's about all modern mathematical physics calculations based on forty-fifth term in the equation X. Nothing, that this term will give only an amendment to 0. 001 %, it still pulls in an article in the journal, and if there will be several terms, we can protect and Ph.D..

There are still applied physics - this is when taking crap like the LHC, run it and look at the result, and then write a great article, trying to explain why it happened. But crap is very expensive, but to run it for their own purposes - have to queue sometimes for months among colleagues. So most of the time, scientists are testing on small or hrenkah, or chase the calculations on computers.

There is a theoretical physicist, is taken when the process, unique in the real world there is no prove on paper that is possible in principle this is such a thing. All damned good, and the author of the theory of time to die, and his works cover it with dust, it turns out that indeed is the case. For example, the current head of the department in all seriousness theory builds bridges the space that at the household level can be called teleportation. It seems to be a fantasy, but when it turns into a fantastic set of equations in a notebook, then it looks already quite realistic.

And there seems psevdofizika torsion field theory, and popular lectures. This profanation of science is very annoying the fathers of science, and they specifically go to these lectures, to pozadavat issues with the last lot, drive to the paradox of the author and put it a complete idiot.

Modern science in high school forced to interbreed with the training of students, in the opinion of the thing these scientists really unnecessary, because all of them still does not work. However, it so happened that the pay system is that pay for tuition at the university, and science - such as compulsory electives: you can not do, but the team will be morally compelled to this. The internal view is quite different - for the majority of training unnecessary hindrance on the path to enlightenment, but it pays the money.

I must admit I went to graduate school without unnecessary illusions. I knew that the scientist in me a pure form is unlikely to succeed. What can I say, the essence of his thesis, I realized only in the second year post-graduate. But I have been programming computer codes with gusto. There's nothing more interesting than to see how slim the equation under your fingers turn into slender columns of figures in the beautiful graphics supporting the theory. I am keenly aware of his contribution to science and secretly hoped to see his name in a pair of magazines as a collaborator. Nevertheless, our calculations were the material for a number of articles, conference papers, and perhaps the master. Yes, and I'm in a private conversation more than once hinted that my thesis draws on the first chapter in the Ph.D.. Although my pure, as in 95% of graduate fellow students there were only estimates.

But when I put my head into a hornet's nest, I was horrified. I knew that the Department does not live very amicably. But there are two groups ' teachers ' and ' pure scientists ' - could not assume. There was a group of doubters. For a team of 12 people - it's very cool. Even worse was the fact that I was in the game chip, which poked in the face of my scientific. Like, he took a postgraduate pet.

A struggle for hours. This is another story, when the department cuts hours of training. It screams for a few hours. Worse than just election of heads of department.

Here I inspect ' Big Bang Theory ' is ridiculous, but it's true. And the snobbery and arrogant attitude towards students and colleagues. If the teacher says ' smart student ', then he really has in mind ' of the larvae he is the best ' and the only difference in the intonation. And this obsession with his research. After defending his doctoral one of the teachers of any conversation with a colleague was driving to the subject of his dissertation.

The world outside the university does not exist. It is well-known fact. You're over the years within the same building, every two years, bursting at the conference. You have to build their relations only with the same scientists. Most are married to copies of itself running on the same department. Your life is in full view of everyone, every movement becomes immediately known and it is a matter of debate.

From this you get tired quickly. Tired to deal with a concrete wall, you get tired to prove that you are the smartest. For forty years the majority of the teachers tired old men, half of which make the machine work.

So the scientific world - worse than slavery office. And if the world had to change the office by simply changing the profile of activity, the scientific world, just taking in his arms, did not let go: career infinite. First, candidate, and then begin to rise from the post of assistant to associate professor. Doctor and jump to professor. You can compete for the position of department head or dean - but this is a game for the ambitious. Much safer and more fun to publish new scientific articles and earn fame and name.

For all this you need a special frame of mind and character. I do not work. Or am I too would like. My former classmate lived on porridge year on the water while preparing the master. I did not want to go on such a feat. By the third year post-graduate, I completely immersed in work outside the university, and when I died of cancer research - say, that persecution on the part of ' colleagues ' played a significant role in this - or even stopped going to alma mater. burned out.

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