Tuesday, March 27, 2012

More about SaaS- statistics in Russia and what he thinks EMC

Following the IDC (. http://www. pcweek. ru / business / article / detail. php? ID = 126135. ), Shared their statistics Softline (. http://www. pcweek. ru / themes / detail. php? ID = 126210. ).
By the way, did you notice that the IDC has introduced a new term AaaS instead of SaaS? . In speaking of such a term is used simply unrealistic ' ah-ah -ah- c'.... Students flee.

As for the data ' Softline ' - frankly poorly ( to put it mildly ).

Let's start with what I understand - it's not nikoe study ( and that is how it is presented in the report), but just the data about their service.
However, these data - almost anything.
They talk about the structure of their sentences, and interesting - the structure of demand. Each sentence structure ( if desired ), and I can see - to open their catalog and it prostrukturirovat.

Actually, I have them in some form (in -person meetings, blogs ) ask the question of statistics since the beginning of the year, but they always go away from it: what happens to the demand, but they are silent, as partisans.
Unfortunately, it does not understand that silence plays against them - it is possible to conclude that the demand is so small that it does not say is.

' Softline ' named in the IDC report leading distributor of SaaS. Probably true, but ' the title of obligation '.

For a start I would like to advise understand the structure of its SaaS- units and their names. I'm here this week wrote a post about branding, and even turned a small discussion (here, for example, http://akolesov. livejournal. com/215562. html).

The problem is very simple for me (I think that for other media): Some texts are written as news, that they just are physically difficult to lead a normal form for publication.

Here is an example of the press release: ...

By the way, I have early yesterday morning on the ( at 8 am!) Had an interview with the big boss of the 'big EMC' ( picture above). It seems half the time talking about the cloud - as cool as promising and as EMC ( with support from VMware and Cisco) then all will win.

I asked him, but IDC estimates the business prospects of Cloud is not very high, and in Russia - just as almost zero, including the future. How so?.

He gave a quite reasonable answer:.
a. Cloud - a strategic perspective, five years - it is only the ' pilot ' stage.
2. IDC believes outsourcing. A cloud model of IaaS and PaaS will penetrate the market through internal systems zakazchkov.

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