Sunday, April 1, 2012

Russian School: Life after death

About the corpse of Russian higher education ( RVSH ) I. was. technically accurate, but is actually wrong. The Russian higher education has good prospects, some positive things we can see now. What are the prospects, and what I was wrong about this, this article.

In my previous articles, I hope, clearly discernible direction of my thoughts and advice. I do not like to breed many ' snot ' on general topics. What, specifically, in some situations a person? . And here we must have courage, without hypocrisy and high matters directly and clearly to give the answer down to earth, not in style, ' it may be worth. but note that. And another note. ... And if the answer involves the freedom of choice, then, an inexperienced person, such a response even more confusing. Therefore it is necessary, the courage and cast shy, just to be able to say: ' In this situation it is necessary to bribe '. Or ' Do not climb on the rampage and fire '. Next, I will also write, focusing primarily on the interests of a person from a position of advantage to him.

I was not wrong with this pathetic assertion that the Russian School of dead. Technically I'm right - School, formerly Soviet, now called the Russian. Nothing in it is not changed, it's still the Soviet School. And then she died. Died, t. to. not suitable for the new economic conditions. A true Russian higher education has no. Sprouts appear, but until a full life in the fetus does not feel. So technically I was right, and in fact wrong, what else does not die! . It is important to acknowledge the death of the old - it will help to develop a new, not trying to hide behind the rubble of Soviet higher education ( this, incidentally, is actively involved in many of the honored and highly respected scientists to poke your finger will not be exactly who ). Note this reaction even readers. previous article. ' I do not believe ' or ' disagree '. Many people here have written that I did not discover America, the facts are known a long time ago. So do not agree with these facts, I just do not understand, especially since every fact I was a participant, and I have reliable information from other universities. No matter how hard it is, but it is better to recognize these facts. In addition, about the Soviet higher education, you can read the article at this link:. http://itblogs. ru/blogs/kolesov/archive/2007/07/05/18760. aspx.

In a subsequent article, I step on the shaky path of describing what is, and what I would like to see. I'll be glad to see sensible comments on the article that has a positive already in RVSH, and which outlines the positive trends. Blog is open to anonymous comments.

On the positive note:.

  1. commercial colleges. Many of them have earned a good reputation. In these universities, tend to work part-time teachers are the same as in state universities. The educational process based on the same principles as in the public universities, which provides roughly the same level of education, as in the state. universities. But a lot of commercial high schools and frankly konyukturnyh universities, which are aimed at stripping money from the students ( in the universities love open the ' trendy ' specialty). I therefore recommend that at the slightest uncertainty in the cleanliness of commercial high school refuse admission to a. It is better to go to the same level of state university.

  2. There was a discussion (do not know at what level everything stopped, than over ) is about to level the commercial and public universities. In this case, the cost of commercial high schools to educate students on free places would be compensated by the state, as it is happening now in the public universities. I really like the idea of ​​equalization, it will force state to move. universities. Naturally, the idea is still under discussion, has been severely criticized (some would say hysterically criticized ) by state parties. universities.

  3. Awesome idea with the CSE. After all, is really great for the student when he does not need to go anywhere, he sent the documents and wait for an answer: whether or not they took. Yes, there are kinks in the implementation of this system, but it does not mean that from it we must abandon. The first exam in the interest of applicants and the need to use the opportunities provided by the system. In terms of implementation of the USE I really do not like the decision to allocate some universities ( MSU and T. n. ) In the universities under federal control with its system of examinations. Frankly, light ' plozhenie ' any ' special ', we have preferred, right again, in the blood. That special. numbers, the ' flashers ', then the ranks of the officials. Then, of course, begins the abuse to their particular situation, and then we all together are beginning to struggle with the privileges of. They are constantly stepping on the same rake. My opinion is that everything should be equal to the universities and the funding of free places in the exam, and licensing and to determine their legal status. There are no federal universities, da exam!.

  4. Quite a remarkable phenomenon, training, sponsored by the plants. This is in contrast to thought. Kolesov. that the customer is the main university student, not industry. Most companies are supervising the whole universities, colleges. Students of these universities have practice at the enterprise, and then they offer to work there. I have a specific address of conducting such programs. As a rule, tuition fees, student contract will have to work out a few years later the company. And, as a rule, it is well-paid positions with excellent growth prospects. Most often this occurs is not in IT- areas: oil and gas, chemical, engineering, technology of various industries. ( pay attention, especially the actual profession, and right again, wildly paid -engineer!). In the IT world examples of such cooperation between enterprises and universities is also quite. Sponsorship applies to basic science, not bringing direct benefits to the enterprise. Therefore, if raising the issue of customer universities, this company. They formed a new profession (or a deficit of specialists in the existing specialty). There is a demand for professionals. The first time, the demand is covered by experts from related specialties, who retrained with minimal complications. But that's not enough normally, which leads to an increase in wages, and, accordingly, the prestige of the specialty. Salaries and prestige attracts entrants seeking to enter the department, teaching this prestigious professions. Thus, indirectly, the enterprise customers are universities. Remember the crazy demand for accountants and economists in perestroika, when they began to multiply at a furious pace cooperatives. Universities, colleges, technical schools then opened up a lot of specialties and training on an accountant or economist. And then there was a boom for lawyers, then to the experts in IT security.

  5. Well, that work on recognition of diplomas, t. e. international recognition of their. Russia joins the various treaties, our professors receive research grants from foreign firms. In recent years much has been said about the venture capital. Let it just said is, nevertheless, a new phenomenon for our country, we need time to all these innovations have taken root. However, I am afraid that neither my diploma, or certificate of my child still will not be recognized elsewhere, too long a process is the recognition.

  6. The good news is that banks have long started to issue loans for education. Yes, as long as it credits with predatory terms, but not all at once! . But the fact is, in my university, I met many students of lending money, despite the huge interest on the loan. These students are well motivated, and that I have seen them at the time of his teaching at the university the greatest zeal in learning.

  7. Next on the motivation, in my classification motivated, students are applying for the award of any of the funds. The most famous of them, Potanin. For the scientists have their premiums. Be sure to mention the brilliant idea of ​​Zhores Alferov,. prize ' Global Energy '. After all, energy is one of the main industry. Who has the energy, one hmmm, we can say, rules the world ( take a look how Putin, deftly wielding a gas pipe, according to Russia's interests in Europe). Therefore, the energy leader of our country, coupled with an abundance of natural resources is an excellent foundation for prosperity of the country. Award ' Global Energy ' and the issuance of grants for energy - reliable way to stimulate this area of ​​science.

  8. Despite the generation gap, there is still thin, connecting generation layer. This exercise, which is on the path of science in predperestroechnye times. I wrote about them a little. previous article. I think that they are the very same ' growth point ' from which you can build a modern Russian high school. To do this, a little. Just a good salary, plus funding for research. I am sure that Russia is very little money.

Based on the above, I recommend high school students and applicants:.

  1. Consider first the order an opportunity to study abroad ( the cost of training commensurate with the cost of education in Russian universities ). If a foreign university 'does not pull ', the Russian State. university. If there is too much competition, or require a lot of money, do not shun the commercial institutions of higher education.

  2. Remember, in the state. Universities have free parking, paid by the state. Competition for these big, so assess your own capabilities, a walk in the competition. By the way, in a prestigious university and to pay a decent place Competitions. So, not the fact that for the money and proceed as.

  3. The Ministry of Education regularly publishes ranking of universities of the Russian Federation. Focus on him. The fame of the university, its reputation. very. help with future employment.

  4. Think, can ' pull ' student loans to pay for tuition at a prestigious university? .

  5. Pay attention to the industry:.

  • Oil, energy, nuclear power is the driving sector of our economy, there is always a lot of money is found;.

  • financial ( banks, insurance companies ) - the stable growth at a rate higher than the average;.

  • chemicals, pharmaceuticals, technology needs;.

  • information technology, other sectors ' rest ', the dynamics of the high, but not stable.

And you know what I say at the end? . There you will tighten as a magnet, after the first lessons in programming. Pros tell me, is not it? .

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