Monday, April 16, 2012

Secrets of the growth of blogs - 10 quick tips

The first comment from the. previous article. , Where I proposed to make an analysis of young blog reads:.

it would be great if you just burned all the most effective themes for increasing the attendance of young sites and blogs. When you're done to analyze, in the end of the paper run through them spisochkom, please.

Why not?. Nate you.

1) The great and mighty Russian.

You can write illiterate, but only if it is your kind of special feature. In all other cases should adhere to the classical rules of Russian language. The whole point here is that the person reading the article articulates it in your head. Do not believe me? . 9 out of 10 will not be able to do so. Therefore, when a person reads the text of an illiterate, this is akin to walking on rough terrain: constantly stumble and begin to forget where you started to go out and do stop to follow the terrain, focusing on how to understand where you are at the moment.

It should be split into shorter supply - no treatises in the course of a blogger. It should not exceed the limit of adjectives, adverbs, and introductory words, if you do not believe that a well know how to use them. It is worth re-reading the text and remove the infinite ' and', ' a', 'but', 'may ', ' well, ' and so on. Read the classics - it's great vocabulary expands and enriches your memory of new words.

2) Following category.

If the chosen theme, try to follow it all the same. From the perspective of a newcomer to your blog - he came and saw storefront where told that you are a great expert on anal sex with dzhungarikov. But the main - eight articles on the hemorrhoids for Toy Terriers and two of rest in the country. Topics should take the blog, at least half of the articles.

3) The image of a living person.

Blog with no binding to a real person, doomed to be anonymous author of the journal. That person blogger, his habits, his life is suddenly doing a blog diary of a real person, which you can apply after reading the article. The first is a notice of our brothers infobiznesmeny. And today it is a good tone - a blog on my own behalf, and not any of the next homeless person seeking the grail of Internet earnings. Rare articles about your life, personal photos, some cases of life will add points to your blog in the eyes of the reader not only permanent, but the casual visitor.

4) Exchange of body fluids.

Readers around the handful of blogs with the same theme. It is an indisputable fact. Do you want more readers, forget about the search - looking for similar blogs, and somehow try to advertise to their audience. Search - this is good, but not enough and never will be the basic source for this blog. Blog make a blog of his regular customers. Get them into your thematic niche - the most simple: guards, guest articles, reviews, interviews, competitions.

5) Character article.

Blog evolves along a spiral. or stepwise. But it is not linearly. Step form a landmark article. Traditionally it or leadership, or reviews. The more and better they are, the more you collect links, the greater will be the primary flow of traffic, the more people catch on to your blog and will remain on it thereafter. Character articles should be written when the reserve is made certain that you understand that the new article after the sign will not cause rejection for beginners. I could write a very strong article on the works of Justin Bieber, but is unlikely to be able to keep an audience. But in their area - can. I would say that this article makes a blogger sign a truly popular.

6) Work with commentators.

If you do not comment, your blog is dead. Encourage comment. This can be achieved construction items, such as to leave room for objection on. Comments can be achieved on a proposal to speak. Comments can be stimulated artificially by paying them or acting out a prize. You can write articles that cause gasps of admiration or ' I have this too was '. Still it is possible to delay the publication of the next item, until there are no comments in the last.

7) The regularity of.

You can write at least once a month, but only to the first day at 9 am. And it will be regularly. But it is better to write once a day. Or once in 2 days. Remember the good old rule: if you write once a week, you read once a month, if once a day, you will read once a week, if three times a day, - every day. People tend to return to the blog, if you expect that the tape will go too far in their absence. On the other hand, a blog that is updated at random, it will just gather dust in the reader until the next article. And over time, will be removed and there. It should be understood that the article in the blog for many a cup of coffee after a day ( or before ). If you cease to be of the cup, then comes the anger is akin to irritation from a lack of coffee in the cupboard in the kitchen.

8) The relevance and topicality.

Kopipast rirayt and acceptable, but not more than once in the ten articles. Secondaries - often professed in the style of blogging, when subjects are taken on everyone's lips and chew but much worse than in other blogs. You must try to avoid it. It is better to write something absurd than once about the battered. It is best about sex in a rapid, than again on the election. Even if the theme of your blog Politics. Sex -quick cheer and will return to the basic topics to discuss in the next article of Mr. Zhirinovsky's slogan: ' Zhirinovsky, or will get worse '. Anything, just try to break away from the gray mass of the total chewing hamsters. Suppose that over time it will degenerate into a niche project, clear the small number of people, but it will be your and only your community, and not just another unsuccessful attempt to Gnaw on a piece of community of other bloggers.

9) Advanced Design.

When there's nothing, it is difficult to understand what to put in the sidebar. But for blogs that are more than a year in a wretched design with minimized sidebar, it's embarrassing. Most viewed blog looks to him like a bar regulars in a remote area of the city: and enter timidly, and the smell of urine from the toilet zassanogo, and always have a chance to hear from the bartender ... Be friendly, meet on clothes.

10) I - a loser.

Nightmare complex modern society. This stems from the general paradigm of modern man, or deliberately drives himself into a trap failures, I am not very clear. But it is obvious that the feelings of ' I do not work ' and ' nothing happens ' will not go far. No need to give up. Positive in all. Few visitors, but they have - a positive. Comments are only five people, but are - positive, you have five nemolchunov! . Moving forward is always associated with positive feeling within. You can not grow in anywhere in the back in the bad. If you do do something, then the expectations associated with the expansion, improvement, improvement, growth. And then every drop should be appreciated. You can break through the wall only when the positive charge inside is much more even potential results. Intellectually, I always knew how great a step from 100 to 150 people a day, but always dreamed of in 1000. And now I have even a few more, but I've put on the goal of 10,000 a day. And to hell with it, with objectivity in the assessment - you should always set unattainable goals and to go to them with confidence in their abilities.

Good luck with the development of their blogs!.

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